cosplaying without a wig
4 Ways On How To Cosplay Without A Wig The Perfect Way 20

Cosplaying is fun, but having the right hair for it can be difficult, time-consuming and expensive. Here are some easy alternatives to cosplaying with your natural hair that will have you looking just as good while saving you tons of hassle!

Steps on How to Cosplay Without a Wig

There are a few ways that you can cosplay without a wig. One way is to use makeup to create the look of a wig. You can also use accessories to create the look of a wig. Finally, you can also use clothing and accessories to create the look of a wig.


Cosplaying Without a Wig #1 – Using Makeup

One way that you can create the look of a cosplay wig is with makeup. This works great for characters who don’t have long hair but still want to wear a wig.

It’s also a good way to cosplay without a wig if you want to wear your hair up in an updo and still want the look of a wig. If you do decide to style your hair like this, make sure that you put some bobby pins in it so it will stay up during the day.

When applying the makeup, take a makeup sponge and apply a small amount of concealer to it. Sweep the concealer over the area that you want covered with the wig.

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Next, use a powder foundation on top of it to set it in place. Finally, add face powder all over your face until you get the look that you desire.

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Cosplaying Without a Wig #2 – Using Accessories

Another way to cosplay without a wig is to use accessories. This works great for characters who have long hair, and you can hide the bobby pins, so it looks like the character’s hair. The only problem with this method is that it does take some time. It also doesn’t look as realistic because it looks like you are wearing a wig.

The first thing that you want to do is brush out your hair, so it’s smooth and free of knots or kinks. You can also curl your hair if you want the character’s hair to be wavy. Make sure that you have bobby pins on hand to make the hairstyle last throughout the day.

If you are wearing a cape, robe, or any type of clothing that covers your hair, then simply wear this on top of your normal outfit with bobby pins in your normal hair to hold it down. If there is wind, you will need to pin the pieces of your costume down, so they don’t blow around.

Cosplaying Without a Wig #3 – Using Clothing and Accessories

The last way that you can cosplay without a wig is to use clothing and accessories. This works best for characters who have hair that ties back in some way. It’s also a good idea if the character has short hair or long hair with bangs.

The first thing you will want to do is curl your hair, so it’s wavy. You can also straighten your hair, so the character has sleek hair instead of wavy hair. If you are using loose-fitting clothing or a cloth that goes over your clothes, then tie your hair back into a ponytail or bun. You can do this with a hair tie that matches your hair color, or you can use things like bobby pins to hold it into place.

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This is also a good way to cosplay if you have short hair and the character doesn’t have long hair in the series/manga/etc. You can still wear their costume by tying your hair back first.

Cosplaying Without a Wig #4 – Using Spray-On Hair Color

This method only works if you have short hair or if your hair is light blonde, red, or dark brown (if you can find the spray). Otherwise, it won’t work.

First, you want to comb your hair, so it’s straight and free of any knots or kinks. Put on an old T-shirt that you don’t care about getting spray paint on. Then, put some newspaper around the bottom of your shirt. This is because it will get on your skin when the spray-on color gets on your hair.

Next, spray a light coat of the spray-on color all over your hair until it’s covered completely. Make sure that you get all of the hairs and don’t miss any spots. Let it dry for around one to two minutes. If your hair is long, then do small parts at a time, so you don’t run out of spray-on color.

After one to two minutes, you will want to shake your hair a little bit while it’s still in the same spot that you sprayed it in. This is going to make your hair darker and get rid of any unwanted lighter hairs. Shake it for 30 seconds until it looks good enough. Then, spray the rest of your hair until it’s all covered.

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Once your hair is completely covered, wait until it dries for around 15 minutes or more, depending on how long your hair is. It should look natural when it is fully dry. You will need to wash this off after one day of wearing it with shampoo and soap to get rid of the smell.

Which Method Should I Use to Cosplay Without a Wig?

cosplay with no wig
4 Ways On How To Cosplay Without A Wig The Perfect Way 21

It’s really up to you which method you want to use for your character. All of these methods will work if done right and should look good on you if it’s not your real hair. If you think about it, it can be just as hard and just as easy to cosplay without a wig, depending on the character that you are doing.

If you are going for the look of a wig, then make sure that it does not look like your real hair. It should look like someone who came out of the salon after getting their hair done.

I hope this article has helped give you some insight on which way is best for you to do your costume if you don’t have a wig or thinking about cosplaying without a wig.

SnowDragon: Black Butler Ciel Phantomhive Cosplay
SnowDragon: Black Butler Ciel Phantomhive Cosplay

On a side note, you can get in contact with SnowDragon via Instagram for collaboration and cosplay shootings.