dying cosplay wig
A Comprehensive Guide On How To Dye Wigs Cosplay The Correct Way 19

While some people might be intimidated by the idea of dying their own hair, it’s actually a fairly easy process that can be done at home with the right supplies. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of how to dye your wig for cosplay, including choosing the right color and setting the dye. Let’s get started.

How to Dye your Wig Correctly

To dye your wig correctly, follow these steps:


  • The first thing you need to do when dying your wig is choose a color that will work best with your cosplay.
  • Then, brush the wig thoroughly to remove any knots or tangles.
  • Separate the wig into small sections, and clip each section to a sturdy surface, so it doesn’t move around while you’re dyeing it.
  • Start with the lightest color, and dye each section until it’s the desired color. Remember to leave the roots untouched.
  • Let the wig dry completely before styling it.
  • Brush the wig gently to remove any excess dye, and let it dry overnight before using it.
  • Once your wig is dyed, styled, and set, you’re ready to wear it for your cosplay. Have fun showing off your new look!

What you Need Before Dying your Wig

dye cosplay wig
A Comprehensive Guide On How To Dye Wigs Cosplay The Correct Way 20

Before dying your wig, you will need to gather the following supplies: a plastic bowl or container, a dye of your choice (either purchased or homemade), petroleum jelly, gloves, and scissors. If you are using a purchased dye kit, be sure to read all instructions and warnings first.

It is also important to do a patch test on a small inconspicuous area of the wig before dying the entire thing. This will help you determine if the wig will absorb the dye evenly and how long to leave it in for optimum color saturation.

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Step 1: Cut a small lock of hair off the wig and place it somewhere safe. This will be used to test your results.

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Step 2: Put petroleum jelly all around your face where your skin meets the wig to prevent staining those areas with dye. Be sure to use as much as necessary so that no white residue remains.

Step 3: Wear clothes that are not important to you. While dying the wig, some dye will inevitably get on your clothes, so wearing an old t-shirt or sweat pants is a good idea.

Step 4: Put on gloves and mix the desired amount of dye in a plastic container with some water. The more dye you use, the longer you will need to leave the wig in.

Things to Know Before Dying your Wig

There are a few things to keep in mind before dying your wig. The first is to make sure that the wig is made from natural fibers, like human hair or wool. If it’s made from synthetic materials, the dye won’t take, and your wig will be ruined.

The second thing to keep in mind is to make sure that the wig is colorfast. This means that the dye won’t run or fade when it comes into contact with water. To test if a wig is colorfast, soak a small section of it in water and then wait for a few minutes. If the dye doesn’t run, then the wig is colorfast.

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The third thing to keep in mind is to pick the right color. You can buy a packet of synthetic wig dye, or you can buy a wig in the color that you want. Your best bet is to pick a color a few shades darker than your natural hair color so that it looks natural when you wear it.

When dying a synthetic wig, remember one thing: if you mess up, it’s easy to clean up. This means that if you dye the wig the wrong color, it’s easy to get it back to its original color or even dye it a different color. This is not true for real human hair wigs, so be careful when dying them.

Another important thing to remember about synthetic wigs is that they are easy to style after dying. You can cut, style, or even curl synthetic wigs without worrying about the dye running. Just make sure to wash the wig with plenty of soap and water after you’re done styling it so that any residual dye is removed.

When Should You Not Dye Your Wig?

dye wig for cosplay
A Comprehensive Guide On How To Dye Wigs Cosplay The Correct Way 21

There are some times when you should not dye your wig. If your wig is made from synthetic fibers, you should not dye it because the dye will not stick to the fibers. You also should not dye your wig if it is very old or has been worn a lot. The dye will fade over time, and the wig will start to look old and faded.

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Another reason you should not dye your wig is if it has already been dyed. The home hair dye kits that are available today are very harsh and can damage the fibers in your wig, causing them to fall out or break off, making your wig look really bad.

How to Remove the Excess Color?

After you’ve dyed your wig, there will likely be excess color on the wig. To remove this, use a wig brush to brush it out. You can also use a hair dryer on low heat to help remove the excess color. If using a hair dryer, hold it about six inches away from the wig and use a low temperature.

Hold it in one spot for a few seconds before moving on to another section of the wig, so you don’t overheat it. Let the wig cool off completely before touching it with your hands or putting it on your head, as this will ruin the color.

That’s it! You should now have a lovely new shade to enjoy in your next cosplay. If you’re short on time and money and need a quick fix, dyeing is an affordable solution that can save the day. Good luck, and happy dying!

SnowDragon: Genshin Impact Childe Cosplay
SnowDragon: Genshin Impact Childe Cosplay

Note: In case you’re looking for cosplayers to collaborate with for events, get in touch with SnowDragon via Instagram.