Animuc convention
8 Amazing Reasons To Attend The Animuc Convention This Year 25

Animuc Convention is a fan-run anime convention that brings together fans of Japanese Animation who come from throughout the Province of Ontario, Canada.

The convention continues to grow and has now reached the size of a medium-sized anime convention. The main focus of Animuc is to bring people together through creative events, gaming, programs, shopping, and, most importantly, socializing.


Animuc is a family-friendly show, and we welcome anyone of any age or interest level. The convention has typically been attended by people who like manga, anime, gaming, cosplay, science fiction and other types of Japanese culture. This includes anime fans from all over Ontario and the surrounding areas.

People from all walks of life attend, and we encourage all fans to come out and join us to meet other like-minded individuals who enjoy Japanese animation or manga.

Why Should you Attend Animuc?

Here are 8 reasons why you should attend Animuc this year:

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Anime and Manga: What do they mean to you?

There’s more to anime than meets the eye, especially since it has gained such popularity in recent years. This convention will take a deeper look into this culture and how it’s changed over the years through workshops and screenings.

Plus, there will be plenty of merchandise, cosplay contests and panelists to facilitate your exploration of these beloved forms of entertainment.

Cosplay: Because it’s fun and awesome

Animuc cosplay
8 Amazing Reasons To Attend The Animuc Convention This Year 26

This is one of the events where wearing costumes is absolutely encouraged. And why not? If you’ve ever dressed up in costume, you know how cool it is to step into the shoes of your favorite character for a while. Even if it’s just for one day, cosplay can serve as inspiration and fun for all who participate.

Workshops: Are you interested in the Anime Industry?

Are you fascinated by how some of your favorite anime and manga are created or produced? Or, do you want to know more about the inner workings of the industry itself? This convention will take a behind-the-scenes look at anime/manga production through workshops given by professionals who have made their living developing anime.

Panels: Because they’re one of the best ways to learn about a fandom

Animuc is your chance to see some of your favorite anime industry professionals share their experiences, stories and insight into the world of Japanese animation. Whether you want an in-depth look at manga or simply desire some straight answers about your favorite anime series, you’re sure to have an enlightening time.

Screenings: Because you can’t say you’ve experienced Japanese media until you’ve seen it on the big screen

Enjoy some of your favorite movies, TV episodes and shorts on the big screen! The Animuc convention will be screening over 300 different titles over 3 days, so why not go see what’s in store?

Shopping: Because, let’s face it, anime products are cool.

Let’s be honest – who doesn’t love getting their hands on some sweet anime merch? If you’re looking to pick up something new or just want to browse the wares of local artists, Animuc will have tons of fun stuff for you to check out!

Bingo Bonanza: Because free stuff is always fun!

All weekend long, you’ll have a chance to win some amazing prizes – including collectibles and gift certificates – just by playing bingo! You don’t even have to be present at the time of the drawings, so why not sign up for 5-7 numbers and hope for the best?

See also  Vienna COMIX: A Comic And Cosplay Convention To Remember

Cosplay Competition: Because it’s always fun to see who’s in-character

Animuc cosplay competition
8 Amazing Reasons To Attend The Animuc Convention This Year 27

Ever wonder who would win if characters from Naruto battled with those from One Piece?

At Animuc, this will be answered once and for all! Aspiring cosplayers will be able to show off their costumes and compete for the title of “Best Cosplay” in different age categories. This is one event you won’t want to miss!

How to Prepare for Animuc

It would be a good idea to go in with an open mind and plenty of patience because there’s always something happening at conventions there’s never a dull moment at a con. This is especially important if you’re going to larger cons, like Animuc.

Some people might be disappointed that they can’t do everything there is to do in one day, so it’s best not to set your expectations too high, or you may be setting yourself up for failure.

To make the convention run smoothly, make sure to leave yourself plenty of time to get ready. Pack a bag the night before the convention, so you don’t have to ruffle through your drawers in a rush in the morning.

Also, lay out your clothes for the day so you can grab them and go. It might also be smart to pack an extra pair of shoes in case your favorite pair becomes uncomfortable when you’re on your feet all day. Don’t forget anything essential like chargers or SD cards before you leave.

Don’t forget your wallet-conventions are expensive. You’ll probably want to buy something small every now and then at the convention, so bring money with you.

Another thing that people usually forget is their swag bag. If you’re going to be buying things from artist alley or grabbing loot off of giveaway tables, then you’ll definitely want to have a bag with you. If not, then bring one anyway to carry all of your purchases.

What Not to Do

Cons are fun events, but they can also be busy and crowded, so it’s important to keep your guard up. Often, people get overwhelmed by the number of things there are to do. There’s never a dull moment at a convention.

For this reason, it’s good to go in with an open mind and plenty of patience so you don’t get flustered or frustrated when you can’t find your favorite voice actor or artist booth.

It’s not a good idea to set your expectations too high because you might be disappointed if there’s a long line for your favorite anime screening or if the artist that you most wanted to see is unexpectedly busy.

In this case, it might be best to prioritize and see what you can do without. Also, make sure not to lose track of time because you could miss your chance to meet a special guest or get into a popular panel.

SnowDragon: Kirishima Cosplay
SnowDragon: Kirishima Cosplay

Side Note: You can contact with SnowDragon via Instagram to collaborate with him on your next cosplay events.