TiCon Anime and Manga Convention
Exploring the TiCon Anime and Manga Convention in Germany 27

Anime and manga have been around for decades, but they have become more popular in recent years, with people of all ages appreciating them. There are many conventions around the world that celebrate this phenomenon.

One is TiCon which has been held annually in Germany since 2014. The convention has grown to include cosplay competitions, concerts, workshops and much more.


A convention is a gathering of people who share one or more interests, where they can meet face-to-face with other like-minded individuals. There’s no better feeling than knowing you’re not alone.

TiCon’s success is the reason why it has grown to include cosplay competitions, concerts, workshops and much more. It truly does feel like a big family reunion with people coming together to celebrate their interests in anime and manga culture.

Things to Expect When Attending TiCon

TiCon offers a variety of activities, such as panels, cosplay contests, concerts and more that attendees can enjoy. Here are some things you can expect when attending TiCon:

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There are several panels and lectures at the convention by special guests, such as voice actors. Here, attendees can ask questions and gain insight into their favorite anime and manga.


Every year there is a concert where popular Japanese artists come to perform for everyone who attends. It’s an amazing time to get hyped up and hear some of your favorite songs in Japanese.


Every year, meetups are organized for different communities to get together. This is where you can meet fellow anime lovers who share your interest. There are always tons of fun activities happening here.

Cosplay Contest

TiCon cosplay
Exploring the TiCon Anime and Manga Convention in Germany 28

Every year TiCon holds a cosplay contest where attendees can show off their cosplays and win amazing prizes. This is a great chance for you to have fun with your friends and be the best dressed in all of TiCon.

Artist Alley

The artist alley at TiCon is where artists who create fanworks such as fan fiction, drawings, comics and more can come together and share their work. This is a great place to spend some time and possibly get inspired.

Many anime and manga aficionados look forward to attending TiCon, a popular convention in Germany. Not only can they spend a day surrounded by those with similar interests, but they can also participate in activities such as panels, cosplay contests and concerts.

The convention provides a fun time surrounded by friends, wonderful costumes and new information about favorite anime and manga.

How Best to Prepare for the Event?

You’re planning to attend TiCon, but you’re not sure what to wear. How can you plan your attire? What should you bring? What are some common mistakes people make when attending a convention for the first time? Let’s explore.

In an anime convention, cosplaying is common. What would you wear?

It depends on what you want to do at a convention. If your plan is to go from panel to panel and spend time with friends at the hotel lobby or restaurant, then all you need is something casual and functional.

A good rule of thumb: if the con has a dress code, then that’s what you should follow.

If you plan on going to the dealer’s room and competing in a cosplay contest, then you’re going to need more of a costume. Anime conventions usually have a list of official costumes available for purchase online before the con itself starts. If your weapon is allowed, make sure not to forget it!

Once the doors open and everyone rushes in, it’s easy to lose track of your belongings. What happens if you forget or lose something? That’s one of the downsides to a convention. You’ll need to go back to your room and get it, which means spending money on transportation twice.

The lost-and-found department is usually at the information booth, where they may have some useful tools to help you find your missing item.

If you lose an expensive item, then that’s a serious matter. You’ll want to talk to security about your lost valuables as well as the police, if necessary. If anyone has any information about a lost item, they can claim it there instead of taking it home with them by accident-which happens a lot.

What to Bring

TiCon Convention
Exploring the TiCon Anime and Manga Convention in Germany 29

Make sure you have everything with you before moving on. You don’t want to forget anything important like your wallet, keys, or program guide. This is especially true if you’re camping out at a panel (and there will be lines for popular events).

In addition to bringing your own money, don’t forget that some restaurants and fast-food places have discounts for convention attendees! Look through the program guide beforehand or ask around to find out where they are. You can save a lot of money on food if you do this.

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Sometimes, the best ideas come from others who have been to the convention before. Look for cosplayers and ask them what they usually bring with them. You never know; they might even be willing to share some tips with you.

You don’t want to miss out on any panels because you’re hungry. You’ll be at the mercy of food trucks and fast-food restaurants if you get hungry, which means their prices go up even more than usual. If you’re really worried about this, then you can always bring your own snacks with you.

Don’t forget to bring a water bottle and some candy! You’ll be so busy running around and checking out all the sights that you might not realize how thirsty or hungry you really are.

Having a water bottle on hand can solve this problem fast because bottled drinks at these types of events go for $4-$5 each.

In Conclusion

TiCon is a well-loved anime and manga convention that takes place in Germany. The convention offers fans of all ages the chance to celebrate their love of Japanese culture and art, meet like-minded people, and participate in fun activities.

This year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever, with more guests, panels, and exhibitors than ever before. If you’re lucky enough to be able to attend TiCon this year, we highly recommend it.

SnowDragon: Seraph Of The End Mikaela Hyakuya Cosplay
SnowDragon: Seraph Of The End Mikaela Hyakuya Cosplay

On a different note, to collaborate with cosplayers for cosplay events or shootings, get in touch with SnowDragon via Instagram to book him.