Dark Link cosplay look
Dark Link Cosplay: Bringing the Shadowy Character to Life 25

Many different people have donned the Dark Link cosplay. This intense and spooky costume is one that can be easily put together with a few simple items, and it’s perfect for anyone who wants to look like they stepped right out of a dark and deadly video game.

With just a little bit of effort, you too can become the ultimate villain from the Legend of Zelda series.


Making a Dark Link costume from the popular video game series, The Legend of Zelda is perfect for those who want to take their cosplaying skills to the next level. You will need some basic sewing skills, along with a lot of patience, in order to complete this project successfully.

Follow these simple steps, and you will be on your way to having an amazing Dark Link cosplay.

First, you will need to buy a green or blue wig. You can find these at most costume and party stores.

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Next, for the tunic:

The easiest thing to do is to use a dark blue bed sheet and cut it into three sections, one for the top of your chest, one for the waist and another for around your legs. You can create the look of scales on your tunic by using gold fabric paint.

If you want, you could also use this paint to make tattoos on your arms and face. To finish off the cosplay, buy some brown boots and some brown gloves. There are many items that you could use to complete your Dark Link costume, but these are the basic things you need.


Dark Link cosplay shield
Dark Link Cosplay: Bringing the Shadowy Character to Life 26

If you would like to make your own shield, follow this step-by-step guide:

First, get a piece of wood and draw out a triangle on it (the top should be about twice as long as the bottom of the triangle). Once you’re finished drawing it out, cut through the wood using a saw. You could also ask someone at your local hardware store to cut it for you.

Next, find three pieces of cardboard and glue them onto the triangle (one on top, one in the middle and one at the bottom). Once they are dry, you will be able to paint the shield any color you want.

When painting, you could use regular paint or small stones to give it an authentic look. You can also purchase metallic silver spray paint and spray it onto the shield if you want.

Once all of this is done, take black duct tape and cut long strips out of it. Then place these strips onto your shield, one at a time.

There are many ways to make a Hylian Shield. This guide is one of the easiest and requires the least amount of supplies.

So, you want to cosplay as Dark Link from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. You might be thinking, “How can I dress up as Dark Link?” And the answer is by going through a list of accessories and props that will help you create a perfect costume. These include a Mask of Truth, Kokiri Tunic, Iron Boots and a Hylian Shield.

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First up is the mask, which was given to Dark Link by Sheik. The mask is a popular replica that can be found on for around. You should be able to purchase it with ease and have your costume good to go.

Next, the Kokiri Tunic! This green tunic will tie in well with the rest of your outfit, and it can be found for around. It might take a while to ship, so I’d recommend ordering it soon.

Next on our list is one of Dark Link’s most iconic items, the Iron boots. These are super simple to find as you should be able to get them for around. They might take a while to ship, so I’d recommend ordering them soon.

Lastly is the Hylian Shield, which was given to Link by Impa in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This shield is an iconic replica and can be found on [website redacted] for around. It might take a while to ship, but it should definitely be worth the wait.

You could also add some extra detail to your outfit by purchasing light-up fairy slingshots that are available on online sites. They’re only each, and they might take a while to ship, but they should definitely be worth the wait.

You now have all the accessories and props needed to cosplay as Dark Link from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. These items might take a while to arrive, so I’d recommend ordering them soon.

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Dark Link Cosplay makeup
Dark Link Cosplay: Bringing the Shadowy Character to Life 27

Dark Link is a mysterious and dark character from the Legend of Zelda series, and his makeup look can be achieved with some simple tips. You will need black and silver eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and a light foundation or concealer.

Start by applying the black eyeshadow all over your eyelids, then add the silver shadow in the inner corners of your eyes. Next, use the eyeliner to create a thick cat-eye shape and finish with a foundation or concealer to cover any blemishes or dark circles.

Voila! You’re ready to cosplay as Dark Link!

In Conclusion

The trend of dark link cosplay is growing more popular by the day. People are drawn to this type of cosplay because it allows them to explore the darker side of their personalities and creativity. Dark link cosplay can be a way for people to express themselves in a unique and interesting way while also having fun.

Thank you for reading. Just remember that if you want to cosplay as Dark Link, all you need to do is follow all the advice we’ve given in this article.

SnowDragon: Breath Of The Wild Link Cosplay
SnowDragon: Breath Of The Wild Link Cosplay

On a separate note, if you’re in search of cosplay models to collaborate with, you can get in touch with SnowDragon via Instagram to book him for your upcoming cosplay events or shootings.